A downloadable project

This is a ZINE created for the TEI24 workshop. Project created with support from the ACM SIGCHI Futuring Commitee 2024.

Ref: Sturdee, M, Genç, HU & Wanick, V 2024, 'Diversifying knowledge production in HCI: exploring materiality and novel formats for scholarly expression', Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI'24), Cork, Ireland, 11/02/24 - 14/02/24https://doi.org/10.1145/3623509.3634743

You need to print this in an A4, then fold it using the traditional folding mechanism for zine making as below:

  1. Fold your A4 paper in half (lengthwise)
  2. Fold in half again
  3. Fold in half again
  4. Unfold it, to find 8 folded pages
  5. Fold in half and cut the centre (halfway down the page)
  6. Unfold your paper. You should see a slit in the middle of the page
  7. Fold in half (lengthwise) and push together
  8. Number your pages in the right order and rotation (if you want)
  9. You’ve created your own zine

The Zine was created based on interviews I've conducted with SIGCHI committee members at that time (August 2024).

Published 5 days ago
AuthorVanissa Wanick
Tagsart, hci, method, publication, research, zine


Zine HCI-v2.pdf 13 MB

Install instructions

Just download the PDF and fold it!

  1. Fold your A4 paper in half (lengthwise)
  2. Fold in half again
  3. Fold in half again
  4. Unfold it, to find 8 folded pages
  5. Fold in half and cut the centre (halfway down the page)
  6. Unfold your paper. You should see a slit in the middle of the page
  7. Fold in half (lengthwise) and push together
  8. Number your pages in the right order and rotation (if you want)
  9. You’ve created your own zine